For all our technological advancement, we are living in an age of reboots. This is most obvious in viewing current and upcoming movies and TV shows: Jumanji, Macgyver, the live-action Disney remakes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, etc. We seem to be running low on originality, and though that can be annoying, it is not truly dangerous. The bigger problem is that this lack of new ideas is also happening in the medical community–and that is dangerous.
Society has become so dependent on antibiotics that resistance to them has emerged. In the past, Margaret Chan, then the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), had stated that antibiotic resistance was becoming so critically high that it could signal “the end of modern medicine as we know it.” At the time, a new gene called mcr-1 was discovered in pigs and people in China; this gene is resistant to the “last resort class” of antibiotics.
Since then, it does not seem that the situation has improved. Just last month, WHO announced that out of 51 new products in development for antibiotic-resistant infections, only 8 are considered to be innovative or adding value to the current options; the rest are largely “reboots” of current antibiotics. The current Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stated, “There is an urgent need for more investment in research and development for antibiotic-resistant infections including TB, otherwise we will be forced back to a time when people feared common infections and risked their lives from minor surgery.”
Alexander Fleming warned of this when he brought the world penicillin. He stated that misuse of antibiotics (incomplete or inappropriate treatment) would encourage bacteria to mutate into resistant forms.
Antibiotics are already overused. In the US alone, 80 percent of the antibiotics produced are used in meat and poultry production. One might think that these antibiotics are used for sick animals, but, on the contrary, the antibiotics are actually used to promote faster growth and prevent disease in crowded or unsanitary conditions. And, these antibiotics do not die with the animals; they travel. In Consumer Reports tests, “more than two thirds of chicken samples were contaminated with Salmonella and/or Campylobacter, and more than 60 percent of those bacteria were resistant to one or more antibiotics.” These superbugs can also spread through environmental transmission: through lakes, animals (including feces), people, etc.
Doctors contribute heavily to overprescription of antibiotics, particularly during cold and flu season. Antibiotics are becoming less effective, and the side effects of antibiotics are implicated in 1 of 5 emergency room visits for bad drug reactions.
The collateral damage of antibiotic overuse affects multiple groups. A report by the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that certain types of antibiotics, when used in early pregnancy, are correlated to a higher risk of miscarriage. The American Gastroenterological Association published a study analyzing the effects of antibiotics taken before age 2 on obesity levels by age 4. They found that young children who had been exposed to antibiotics before age 2 had a 25 percent relative increase of being obese by age 4. The risk is strongest with 3 or more repeated courses of antibiotics.
The best way to avoid antibiotic resistance is to not need them in the first place. We are born with a defense system, the thymus gland, but it deteriorates with age. The thymus gland produces T-cells (a type of white blood cell) in the body. The purpose of this system is to recognize the body’s own cells as its own and to recognize foreign cells, such as bacteria, viruses or cancer cells as alien. These foreign cells are then attacked and destroyed. Your Natural Choice™ Thymus Gland is designed to increase the number of white blood cells and improve or restore their functionality.
The other battleground for immune defense is the gut. Hippocrates said that all disease begins in the gut, and research is continuing to prove him right. Our bodies rely on proper enzymes and healthy microbes. These work with pathogenic bacteria to produce anti-bacterial cultures that strengthen the intestinal walls and support our immune system. Our Laktokhan probiotic and Full Spectrum Digestive Enzyme are helpful in this.
Also, because serotonin is mainly produced in the gut, there is a need for a safe and effective means of releasing serotonin without the side effects; this can be achieved with Melapure® Melatonin. This product is USP pharmaceutical grade, patented, and backed by clinical trials specific to the Melapure® Melatonin material.
In short, we either work proactively for our health or to treat the disease condition; prevention never costs, it only saves in the long run.